I am so grateful to share that SoulFilling’s story was featured in “Alumni in Action” by my alma mater, Le Moyne College. SoulFilling plans to continue to illuminate the path for understanding and embracing the complexities and joys of adoption. I hope you enjoy the article and please share it to help me connect with as many inspirational adoption stories as I can as I continue in 2024 on my mission to make the conversation more mainstream at home, school and in our communities.
Here's a snippet of the article which you can read in its entirety here.
Francine (Annese) Apy ‘91 cannot remember a time when adoption did not play a central role in her life. Apy and her husband, Ray, grew their family through adoption, welcoming their sons Luke, Matthew and John to the world and immediately letting them know how cherished they were. In addition, two of Apy’s sisters are also loving adoptive parents. Adoption is a topic about which Apy has long been passionate. While she enjoyed a successful career in human resources, working in a variety of industries, she realized that what she was really called to do was to use her experience and training to give back to the adoption community. Now she is doing just that.
Apy is the founder of SoulFilling,LLC an organization whose aim is to raise awareness about adoption and to make conversation about it more accessible and mainstream by using tools such as coaching and storytelling. More than anything else, she views herself as a resource for adoptive parents, birth parents and children. Apy guides them, asks powerful questions and speaks from her own experience.